Ikon Pass social
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I started to quantify the number of paid social executions I’ve led for Ikon Pass, but it quickly crept into the hundreds. Coupled with the organic social posts that I contributed to, the total number lives somewhere around the absurd.
For each season – fall, winter, and spring – I write static social executions for 12+ target segments. Platforms include instagram, facebook, twitter.
Small smattering of examples below.
with iconic destinations coast-to-coast, a tank of gas and the open road paves the way for endless adventure.
Above and below are examples of road trip focused creative.
Above, running in Jan/Feb/Mar of 2021, are two carousel executions that leverage regional, pass-utilization content and drive to Ikon Pass blog articles, where the concepts are blown out. Executions were created for Colorado, California, the PNW, and a catch-all version. I also happened to write all of the corresponding blog stories.
⬅ PNW ad experience.
Below, a story-based execution (winter 19/20) driving pass utilization in California.
winter 2020 / 2021 was a challenge.
Much like the rest of the world, COVID-19 presented new challenges and difficult decisions for the ski industry. Tasked with educating consumers on the importance of wearing a mask, I created the two videos below while in quarantine; one image-based, one copy forward. See me play dress up below left, and stay positive, fun, and yet real, on bottom right.