Ikon pass college lesson Plan

role: copywriter / creative lead

Starting in the fall of 2019, I led the creation and execution of a fun, college-targeted campaign.
Helping students to matriculate better, this campaign focused on:

• selling passes to college students
• inviting college students to align their ski club with Ikon Pass
• inviting students to start a ski club if one does not already exist
• promote pass utilization and usage

Assets included:
• landing page
• paid & organic social
• on-campus activations featuring treasure hunts, ski/board waxing, and pass sales

Success was robust:
• growing to over 160 Ikon Pass associated clubs
• helping to generate over 6.5MM in sales for the 20/21 season

college specific landing page.

landing page


Ikon Pass • The Snow Report


Ikon Pass • native editorial.